Rain Garden Design

rain garden side plan

What is a rain garden?

A rain garden is a shallow depression containing spongy soil and a variety of plants that thrive in northwest sun, soil and moisture conditions. It collects water from your roof downspout and allows it to safely soak into the ground.

Why are they important?

With every storm, rain carries pollutants off our roofs, driveways and other hard surfaces to local creeks, Lake Washington and Puget Sound. During big storms, the sheer volume of this “stormwater” can cause sewer overflows, and erode hillsides and stream banks. Rain gardens and cisterns can help control this stormwater with your help.

Seattle Rainwise Program raingarden
Seattle rainwise program rain garden
seattle raiwise rain garden

Are you RainWise Eligible?

Average Rebates are 80% of project costs